

如果是“Matrimonial Home”

20 YES and NO’s About The Divorce and The Matrimonial Home

  1. NO It doesn’t matter who’s name is on title. If you both lived there before the date of separation it is the matrimonial home.
  2. NO You cannot change the locks. Typically, both spouses have an equal right to possession of the matrimonial home after separation.
  3. YES Once your spouse moves in, the house is instantly considered the matrimonial home. It doesn’t matter if you bought the house before you were married.
  4. NO You don’t get credit for the value of the matrimonial home before marriage. The matrimonial home is given special treatment and you cannot deduct the pre-marriage property value, as you would with other assets. 
  5. YES You are responsible for the mortgage, even if you don’t live there. If your name is on the mortgage you need to ensure it gets paid.
  6. YES Inheritance is exempt UNLESS you put the money into the matrimonial home.
  7. NO Your ex-spouse will not be paying your mortgage after you divorce. You may receive support, but you will need to qualify for your own mortgage.
  8. NO Your spouse is not required to repay the gifted down-payment money that your parents gave you. You can try to negotiate it with your spouse, but the courts will not legislate it.
  9. YES You will pay land transfer tax if you buy out your spouse’s share of the matrimonial home, UNLESS you have a proper separation agreement in place.
  10. YES If you owned more than one home (or a cottage etc) it may also be considered a matrimonial home.
  11. YES The matrimonial home is always divided unless you have a marriage contract that deals with the matrimonial home differently.
  12. YES If there is domestic violence happening in your home you can apply to the courts for an order for exclusive possession. Obtaining an order will require your spouse to live somewhere else.
  13. NO An order for exclusive possession does not affect your ownership rights. Such court orders do not decide who owns the property.
  14. NO An order for exclusive possession is usually temporary, and is intended to give you time to complete your separation agreement.
  15. YES In most cases, children are allowed to live in the matrimonial home.
  16. NO If you are Common Law you do not automatically have the same rights with regards to a matrimonial home. In Common Law, whoever’s name is on the title owns the home.
  17. NO You are not allowed to mortgage, refinance or place a line of credit on the matrimonial home without your spouse’s written consent.
  18. NO: A property that was gifted to you, or inherited is NOT exempt from division. If you and your spouse lived there, it is considered the matrimonial home and will be divided between you both.
  19. YES If can’t agree on what to do with the matrimonial home, you may apply to court for an order of partition and sale. If granted, the court will order the house to be sold and the proceeds to be split.
  20. NO There is no right of first refusal within Ontario family law. If the house is ordered to be sold, the party wishing to stay in it, must bid on the open market with all other buyers.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 幸福家庭 / <周末学习>加拿大法律的所有权和配偶权. 中国法律好像没有配偶权这一说, 所有权是一样的。 +1


    首先对婚房的权利分为两种,一种是所有权(Ownership),就是这个房子法律上的拥有者是谁。第二种是基于配偶身份的法定权利(Personal Rights),这个权利主要包括占有权(Possession)、处置权(Non Alienation)和收益权(Equalization)。简单来说就是不论房子的所有权人是妻子还是丈夫,另外一方都有居住权;未经另外一半的许可,配偶一方不得抵押婚房贷款或者出售婚房;没有其他约定的情况下,婚房的收益,由夫妻双方平分。

    • 配偶权, Right of spouse. 加拿大是从法律上保证婚后男女平等👍
      • 女的比男的更平等。
        • 什么叫更平等?女的要怀孕生孩子,男的有吗?
          • 没有男人的精子,女人能怀孕生孩子吗? +1
            • 可以选择优秀男人的精子库。但没有女人, 男人就得不到孩子。
              • 精子库的精子也是男人捐的。 +1
                • 我的意思是男人不能十月怀胎。
                  • 没有男人的精子,女人也不能。 +1
                    • 男人没出息,就像祥林嫂一样不断的重复,我有精子我有精子。
                      • 你有吗? +1
                        • 女人会有精子? 问这种问题的人神经不正常。就好比我问, 你能10月怀胎吗?
                  • 肚皮有空的女人太多了,去泰国10万人民币就可以借个女人肚皮用一年 +2
                    • 基因恐怕差点
                      • 代孕只借子宫,精卵自备 +1
                    • 买个精子大概1万人民币都不要。
                      • 还能买个5国混血
                      • 一个精子咋够呢 +1
    • 加拿大的离婚率接近50%, 所以家长不应该参与为下一代买房。除非签婚前协议,否则买的房子一半送给了人家。 +1
      • 我记得你为李靓蕾打抱不平的,还签婚前协议干嘛
        • 我没有为小李打抱不平, 小李是签婚前协议的。王力宏财产一共30亿,婚后7个亿。小李想平分婚后的7亿没有错。感觉王力宏有点不够男子汉, 最后还是认怂。早知今日,何必当初, 犯了个低级的错误。
      • 婚前财产不分割 +1
        • 如果是“Matrimonial Home” +1

          20 YES and NO’s About The Divorce and The Matrimonial Home

          1. NO It doesn’t matter who’s name is on title. If you both lived there before the date of separation it is the matrimonial home.
          2. NO You cannot change the locks. Typically, both spouses have an equal right to possession of the matrimonial home after separation.
          3. YES Once your spouse moves in, the house is instantly considered the matrimonial home. It doesn’t matter if you bought the house before you were married.
          4. NO You don’t get credit for the value of the matrimonial home before marriage. The matrimonial home is given special treatment and you cannot deduct the pre-marriage property value, as you would with other assets. 
          5. YES You are responsible for the mortgage, even if you don’t live there. If your name is on the mortgage you need to ensure it gets paid.
          6. YES Inheritance is exempt UNLESS you put the money into the matrimonial home.
          7. NO Your ex-spouse will not be paying your mortgage after you divorce. You may receive support, but you will need to qualify for your own mortgage.
          8. NO Your spouse is not required to repay the gifted down-payment money that your parents gave you. You can try to negotiate it with your spouse, but the courts will not legislate it.
          9. YES You will pay land transfer tax if you buy out your spouse’s share of the matrimonial home, UNLESS you have a proper separation agreement in place.
          10. YES If you owned more than one home (or a cottage etc) it may also be considered a matrimonial home.
          11. YES The matrimonial home is always divided unless you have a marriage contract that deals with the matrimonial home differently.
          12. YES If there is domestic violence happening in your home you can apply to the courts for an order for exclusive possession. Obtaining an order will require your spouse to live somewhere else.
          13. NO An order for exclusive possession does not affect your ownership rights. Such court orders do not decide who owns the property.
          14. NO An order for exclusive possession is usually temporary, and is intended to give you time to complete your separation agreement.
          15. YES In most cases, children are allowed to live in the matrimonial home.
          16. NO If you are Common Law you do not automatically have the same rights with regards to a matrimonial home. In Common Law, whoever’s name is on the title owns the home.
          17. NO You are not allowed to mortgage, refinance or place a line of credit on the matrimonial home without your spouse’s written consent.
          18. NO: A property that was gifted to you, or inherited is NOT exempt from division. If you and your spouse lived there, it is considered the matrimonial home and will be divided between you both.
          19. YES If can’t agree on what to do with the matrimonial home, you may apply to court for an order of partition and sale. If granted, the court will order the house to be sold and the proceeds to be split.
          20. NO There is no right of first refusal within Ontario family law. If the house is ordered to be sold, the party wishing to stay in it, must bid on the open market with all other buyers.
          • 是的,加拿大是从法律上保证男女平等。而不是嘴上说说的什么妇女能顶半边天。
      • 这么看冰姐还是有道理,如果男方提供房子,那女方应该付相当于房子价值一半的嫁妆。 +1
        • 谁是冰姐?
          • 新来的?冰姐这么大名鼎鼎的ID啊
            • 新来的,哪个是冰姐的马甲?
              • 这可难倒我了,冰姐以前好像叫森林什么的吧,现在好久没来了,你去查下发帖历史、冰姐是肉脸第一个打AZ疫苗的。
        • 印度人的婚礼就是这样,女方提供彩礼。但是北美白人结婚, 父母不会提供资助, 像华人父母那样提供房子首付。
          • 我觉得要是担心将来小孩子离婚,如果孩子要买房子、双方父母可以各出一半首付,如果一方父母不愿意、也不要勉强、自己有多的房子拿出一套来租给小孩做婚房、租金便宜一些,也说得过去。
            • 孩子不住在一个城市,鞭长莫及。白人家长不干预孩子们的事物, 也包括不会为孩子们付房子的首付, 甚至不会付他们的学费。