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  • 技多不压身,工到自然成:安省技工证书特训班,点击咨询报名!

8月28日上午,日本政府运营的广播公司日本放送协会(nHK)播出了一个关于2019冠状病毒疾病的特别节目,重点介绍了遭受严重副作用的个人的真实生活经历,引起了公众的震惊,收到了超过2000条信息。 当政府拥有的媒体揭露疫苗犯罪时,法律当局肯定会跟进。

In Japan, citizens were shocked on the morning of August 28 as the government-run broadcaster NHK aired a special feature on COVID-19 that highlighted real-life experiences of individuals who have suffered severe side effects, prompting an overwhelming public response with over 2000 messages received.


When the government-owned media outs vaccine crimes, legal authorities will follow up for sure.


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