


IRPR (Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations) 和IRPA (Immigration and Refugee Protection Act)是用来规范各类临时签证和移民申请等等的法规。很多移民条件,签证方式与条款,拒签理由与条款都是要从IRPR和IRPA里解读。

1. 不需要学习签证也能在境内读语言?
IRPR 188条 (1)(c)
A foreign national may study in Canada without a study permit if the duration of their course or program of studies is six months or less and will be completed within the period for their stay authorized upon entry into Canada.

2. 什么资格才可以在加拿大境内申请学习签证

IRPR 215
(1) A foreign national may apply for a study permit after entering Canada if they
(1) 外国人可以在进入加拿大之后申请学习许可,如果他
(a) hold a study permit;
(a) 持有学习许可;

(c) hold a work permit;
(c) 持有工作许可;

(f) are a temporary resident who
(f) 是临时居民并且
(i) is studying at the preschool, primary or secondary level,
(i) 正在学前班、小学或者中学阶段就读,

(iii) has completed a course or program of study that is a prerequisite to their enrolling at a designated learning institution;
(iii) 完成了一个指定学校入学要求的课程或项目;

(2) A family member of a foreign national may apply for a study permit after entering Canada if the foreign national resides in Canada and the foreign national
(2) 外国人的家庭成员可以在进入加拿大之后申请学签,如果这个外国人住在加拿大并且
(a) holds a study permit;

(a) 持有学习许可;
(b) holds a work permit;
(b) 持有工作许可;

所以学生只需要用旅游签入境,并在完成三个月的短期语言课程后,顺利拿到学签。就可以符合IRPR 215(1)(f)(iii)的要求,从而进行申请学签。

