

Chris Deering是另一位了不起的退伍军人,他和战友在作战时遭受伏击,全车人只活了他一个,当时医生根本不认为他能幸存,他全身骨头都碎了,至今一身伤病,结果在渥太华卡车示威中他是被殴打最惨的人之一,他的演讲十分感人,值得一看!

Canadian Veteran Beaten and Abducted by Police at Freedom Convoy
Chris Deering, an injured veteran who served in Afghanistan was unlawfully beaten and abducted by police during The Freedom Convoy in Ottawa, Canada. At the ...
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  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 发一段车队领袖Tamara的助手兼退伍军人Garrick的采访录(为了应和ivit谈及的车队精神) +16

    退伍老兵Garrick Halinen跟我认识,我们偶尔会聊一些,在这段采访中他针对不理解运动的人讲述了自己的看法,这个采访很好地体现了车队活动者的精神面貌。在车队示威中,退伍军人一直战斗在第一线,Garrick的很多战友,都是在服役过程中负重伤的人,然后又在车队运动中被捕和被殴打。

    Rebel News: "How does it make you feel that so many people try and discredit this movement, and try and paint a picture and turn this into something it's not, when it's very obvious speaking with you that is just not the case?"

    Rebel News:“这么多人试图抹黑这场运动,试图捏造一幅画面,歪曲这场运动的实际情况,而与你交谈时,我们会觉得,很明显事实并非如此,这让你有什么感觉?”

    Veteran Garrick Halinen:"I have no feeling for them at all. I have no pity or remorse. I have no anger. Actually I do have a feeling. I feel love for them because they are fellow human beings. Everybody needs love. They need freedom.They need their rights intact and they're our brothers and sisters. They just have a different mindset. That's all. Some of them aren't awake. You know some people are firm in their beliefs and they'll never change. That's okay. It's understandable, but all is forgiven in the end. Isn't it? If we had an open and free media that could balance out news reporting like they used to do. Shall we call it the old days like maybe the 60s and 70s? Then there would be far more understanding of the true situation in our nation. It's not here right now, because somebody bought the media out. Every media source has their own agenda, and their own beliefs, and values, and they'll report on those, but you know it. It needs to center off a little bit, and become realistic right now. We have unrealistic media in our country."

    老兵Garrick Halinen:“我对此毫无感觉。我没有怜悯和悔恨。我没有愤怒。事实上,我有一种感觉。我爱他们,因为他们是我的人类同胞。每个人都需要爱。他们需要自由。他们需要完整的权利,他们是我们的兄弟姐妹。他们只是有不同的心态。就是这样。有些人还没醒。你知道有些人会坚持自己相信的东西,他们永远不会改变。没关系。这是可以理解的,但最终一切都会被原谅。不是吗?如果我们有一个开放和自由的媒体,可以像过去那样平衡地进行新闻报道。可以说就像过去的60年代和70年代那样。那样的话,人们就会对我们国家的真实情况有更多的了解。现在不同了,因为有人把媒体买断了。每个媒体都有他们自己的既定套路,他们自己的信仰和价值观,他们只会根据这些去报道,但你知道的。它需要退后一步,现在应该更实事求是一点。我们的国家有一个脱离实际的媒体。”

    Rebel News: "If Justin Trudeau is in front of you right now, in closing, what would you say to him? If he was standing right in front of you, what would your message to Mr Trudeau? "

    Rebel News:“最后,如果贾斯汀·特鲁多现在站在你面前,你会对他说什么?如果他就站在这里,你会对特鲁多说什么?”

    Veteran Garrick Halinen:"I would say open your heart,look deep in your soul, understand and see clearly what you're doing to our great nation, because what is happening right now is extremely unfortunate."

    老兵Garrick Halinen: “我会说,敞开你的心扉,看看你灵魂的深处,了解一下,并看清楚你对我们伟大的国家做了什么,因为现在发生的事情是非常不幸的。”


    Canadian Forces veteran tells Rebel News why he attended Rolling Thunder in Ottawa
    Veteran Garrick Halinen has a special message for Justin Trudeau.Visit Rebel News for more on this story ► https://rebelne.ws/37ghKE7Rebel News: Telling the ...
    • 非常及时的文章,值得置顶。大家不要再分裂了,我们都盼望好的生活,盼望加拿大好,好好看看这篇文章 +11
      • Garrick亲口跟我说,1989年他驻扎在德国,目睹柏林墙被推倒,历史性的一刻让他终生难忘。他入伍26年一直为自由而战,做梦也想不到加拿大如今沦落到跟中国和东德一样的处境。 +9
        The State of Canada by Canadian Veteran Sgt Garrick Halinen
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        • 多么谦逊的老兵! +7
          为国家还有自由而战不惜付出性命和健康 ,坦然面对人生里种种不幸,曾一度过着与他付出完全不成比例的贫寒生活,对此他没有抱怨,但是当他看见这个国家要沦丧的时候,他还是要站出来,为民请愿,死都不怕,怕你们污蔑我吗?我只能想到两个字 “英雄” 。 that's what a hero do.平时他们消失在人们的视野,那里有不平,哪里就能看见他们的身影,因为他们是天生的爱打不平。
    • 这位退伍老兵很有深度啊👍 +11
      • Chris Deering是另一位了不起的退伍军人,他和战友在作战时遭受伏击,全车人只活了他一个,当时医生根本不认为他能幸存,他全身骨头都碎了,至今一身伤病,结果在渥太华卡车示威中他是被殴打最惨的人之一,他的演讲十分感人,值得一看! +10
        Canadian Veteran Beaten and Abducted by Police at Freedom Convoy
        Chris Deering, an injured veteran who served in Afghanistan was unlawfully beaten and abducted by police during The Freedom Convoy in Ottawa, Canada. At the ...
        • 这个演讲是真正的震撼人心! +6
          • 他是最有资格为阵亡将士纪念碑献花圈的人,因为他自己差一点就成为阵亡将士。然而在示威期间,媒体却把这些退伍军人歪曲成侮辱纪念碑的人,好像那些从未出生入死的官僚和媒体比老兵们更懂得尊重纪念碑! +7
            • 由此看得见媒体抹黑一件事的程度,大多数媒体受众就是这样被误导的。 +8
              • 媒体是跟主子走的,土豆他对老兵的态度大家都是知道的,竟然对一个在阿富汗战场出生入死缺了一条腿的老兵说,YOU WANT MORE THAN THE GOVERNMENT CAN AFFORD. 连起码的尊重和语言修饰也没有。结果一转身,一个10MILLION就给了OMAR恐怖分子。 +3
        • 👍👍 +4
      • 讲的话绝对比戏剧老师有水平 +5
        • 主要是老兵的眼界和胸怀更是他不能比的,老兵更关心加拿大的未来,有着对普通民众疾苦更深的担忧。所以在国家的危急时刻挺身而出。 +9
    • 为了自己的自由损害别人的自由,再优秀的经历及华丽的辞藻也掩盖不了破坏社会安定的事实 +6
      • 啥叫社会安定❓2500万人口的大上海,被封城70多天,这种社会大概是最安定的👍 +18
        • 说的很棒! +8
          • 共产国家来的一些移民,横向比较是拿手好戏 +1
            • 身体来了,脑子还在国内 +2
    • 👍👍👍 +3
    • 这些照片,一年了都没舍得删。这个国家最可爱☺的人们! +7




      • 哈哈,我也有,谢谢你贴出来! +3
      • 好多帅哥👍 +1