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  • 枫下沙龙 / 体育爱好者 / Fred, Congcong, Jaguar.... and other tennis fans. Would you like to play tennis this weekend, say 10:00 AM, Saturday?
    We played on the tennis court at flemington park. There are 4 courts there and the condition is not bad. Any other auggestion to the time and place?
    • where is flemington park.?
      • Near Eglington / Don mills.
    • I am always ready to play, xixi...
    • Sorry, forget about a previous appointment that morning. What about change it to 3:00 PM?
    • 我和老婆今天下班后又去Bathurst&Lawrence达了两个小时,非常的爽,你们再不努力,连我老婆你们都打不过了!(大家来决定时间和场地!)
      不过,我们目前需要所有的人碰碰头,大家见见面。所以我们需要定一下时间和地点。我提议时间为星期六早上10:00,地点,由大家提议,在目前有的两个地方中选一个。我住在Bathurst&shepperd, 没有车的,我可以顺路搭上两个人。请大家赶快投票选出场地,我们以少数服从多数的原则决定。
      • 有点远哦,我们附近有三片塑胶标准场,主要是打完了还可以游泳,冲浪浴和桑拿,FREE,在birchmount & kingston.
        • Firefox, please tell us the detail place of the court.
      • I think we'd better choose a place that near the ones who don't have a car. It won't take long to get there, no matter where it is, for us who do have a car.
      • 我很想参加,我是网球迷和足球迷。有我准没错。我住在Shappard,Midland,没有车。有车的让我搭一下吧!我叫朱希桢(Jimmy), Cell phone: 416-3180282。请打电话给我吧!
      • Think twice..hehe."我和老婆今天下班后又去Bathurst&Lawrence达了两个小时,非常的爽,你们再不努力,连我老婆你们都打不过了!(大家来决定时间和场地!)
        • 这位同志的思想比较有问题阿,同志们要批评教育和帮助他啊~~
          • 没办法,打小就有这毛病。
            • 哦,这就要深挖思想根源里面的毒草啊,过程是痛苦地,不过未来是美好地嘛!
              • 请同志们教育教育我吧。
                • 大家都很想帮助你地,不过你不告诉真实ID,这就是你的不对了啊。思想有问题没关系,大家会帮助你,不会嘲笑你地!是不是e?
                  • shadow is the son of darkness.
                  • 好象只有你想帮助我咧。
      今年3月21日-4月1日爱立新网球公开赛在MIAMI的KEY BISCAYNE小岛上举行. 俺应征做VOLUNTEER. LOTS OF FUN.
      第一次在现场看比赛, 发现和电视完全不同, 速度快多了.
      1. AGASSI阿加西始终状态依旧, 反手抽杀非常有力.
      2. 商普拉斯老了.
      3. MICHAEL CHANG早无当年的雄风.
      4. WILLION姐妹球场一压群芳.

      • 多伦多大师赛什么时候开始,我是做梦都想当VOLUTEER啊,不知怎样申请得到,有此经验得大虾吗?
      • Here is the link. Master Seriers in Montreal July 28-Aug 5 http://www.masters-series.com/canada/ They must have volunteer opportunity. In miami, you can get uniform, free tickets and free lunch. Very cool experience. Good Luck!
    • When and where? If you guys have decided, pls give me a call.
    • If you guys can not decide the time and location, let us meet at 10am, saturday. The location is Bathurst and Lawrence. Most of us know this place. Call my cell 416-5651676
      • mimmy, Bathurst and Lawrence has only 2 courts and is too crowded in the weekend. Besides, I have a very important appointment Sat. morning. See my suggestion below.
    • OK. Let me consolidate.
      About the place, I suggest we goto birchmount & kingston ( near firefox's place ), because more friends can join us in that place. About the time, I really cannot make it in that morning. I suggest we meet 3:00PM in the afternoon.

      Now we have 9 persons, me (Bill) and leader, jimie, Congcong, mimmy and LP, fred, firefox and LG.

      If you agree on the time and place, the transportation is easy. Mimmy could give fred a ride, seems you lived quite near each other. I will pick up jimie and congcong (if u decided to join us).

      Agree? Please give me your confirmation.
      • Ok, although it is far from my place, but I agree with you about the time and place. I will pick up fred. Where does he live? I live at Bathurst and Shepperd.
      • BTW, e-tiger, this place is near your home, will you come tomorrow? It is the first time, we can have a meeting, and then we will have a happy summer this year.
    • Please paste your advice here ASAP, let us know if you can come at this time and place, if you have transportation problem, let us know too. BTW, bill, what is your phone number?
      • My phone No. 416-423-2025. I will make a contact list for us tennis funs on Rolia after our weekend gathering.