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  • 枫下家园 / 亲亲宝贝 / Anyone has experiences with Shepherd's Flock YMCA Child Care Center? Is it good? I find kids there are very quiet. Not sure whether this is a good sign or not. Thanks!
    • 一般般。附近好的daycare 有Erb st. west 300来号的Waterloo Infant and Toddler daycare.
      滑大东南角有个Paint'in place, 背面体育馆背后有两个,也都一般,但是感觉好像比Sheperd's flock好一点点。自己和朋友的孩子曾上过其中四家。
      • 多谢!
    • Anyone has gone to butterfly daycare? Is it good?
      • 好几个朋友的孩子在那里,听说不错。。要排队很久。。
        • 多谢! 是否知道Paintin' Place的口碑?去看了一下,老师还挺nice,校舍实在不敢恭维,总觉的室内味道不好,孩子是否更易生病?
          • 这个不知道了。。。
            • 多谢!
          • 不知道SUPERVISOR换了吗? 7年前不怎么样. 那的老师也不怎么样, 总之别的地方没位置时, 它那总位置.
            • Thank you for the input. Very helpful. I myself got throat pain after being in that day care for a10 minutes, so I decide not to consider it any more.
    • Anyone knows where I can find rating of the day care centers in KW area? Thanks again!
      • I don't think there is ratings for daycare, the best way is to talk to your neigbours and friends.
        • Thanks!
          • 学费怎么算,我去http://www.ymcacambridgekw.ca/en/index.asp?utm_source=ymcacambridgekw_com&utm_medium=website&utm_campaign=redirect 上面看不到价格信息
            • http://ykids.ca/en/CCITPfees.asp
            • http://ykids.ca/en/CCFees.asp, scroll down then choose the categrary under FEE on your left
              • Thanks! So expensive!