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  • 工作学习 / 外语学习 / 【每日尽力一译😏😏】Day 14 ~10月10 日,2021年,傍晚。中:“夏日有嘈杂的蝉鸣声,窗外躁动的影子,热浪和雷雨,空调和冰镇西瓜。人生哪有什么捷径,每个人都在负重前行。只不过最后往事都会如那过往云烟,不值一提。”
    英: Summer: noisy sound of cicada, restless shadows from outside windows, heat waves and thunderstorms, air condition and frozen watermelon 🍉 。 There is no short cut of life, everyone has heavy load but is still keeping forward. By the end, the past will not to be worth to mention as they like the cloud and smoke.