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  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 每一个疫苗造成的副作用,都被媒体称作rare,每一个不支持疫苗护照的,都要先声明,自己不是anti-vaxx, 这样的社会真的正常? Link里的这个饭店老板已经打算不再提供堂食了,因为不想deal with the nonsense argument. +9
    On Oct. 22, the provincial government will roll out a new enhanced vaccine certificate with a unique, scannable QR code.
    • 不穿鞋是不让入shopping mall 的。 更何况不打疫苗的带毒传染他人机率巨高。这怎叫nonsense argument? +1
      • nonsense argument是指谁也不知道真的是啥情况,你真的知道疫苗一定有用还是没用?连professional们还在不断的讨论呢,你能知道啥?所以双方的argument就是nonsense. +4
        • 你从这句“不打疫苗的带毒传染他人机率巨高”就知道他的信息掌握情况了。 +6
          • 是啊,所以人家饭店老板不愿意deal with all idiots, think they know everything, argue about something nobody really knows. +5
            • 打了疫苗的,和没打疫苗的,谁会更不愿意被餐馆检查呢?
              • 现在是人家餐馆不想检查,好吗?人家不想被你们逼。然后来处理你们和另一方的nonsense argument. +5
                • 关门原因:. They're going to be sitting down eating and they're going to get into arguments because you can't ask for proof... 餐馆当然有权利要证明,你既然选择不要,那关掉dine in 再好不过了,对其他食客也好。
                  • 人家说了,等all restriction去除以后再开门,无所谓,小生意谁都担不起这个责任,又要面对无聊顾客的无聊争吵,又要面对政府的罚款,大家以后就都去大商店,大饭店好了,只有他们有钱fight,这也是你们要求疫苗护照的结果。 +2
            • 没错,尤其是某些明明盲从却认为自己什么都知道,或者说觉得该知道的都知道了的,比如mRNA肯定不会对人体产生什么负面影响啊,IVM肯定没用啊,疫苗让你不会再得新冠啊,等等已知未知的事情。 +6
              • 是啊,自己被主流媒体洗脑,完全失去了独立思考能力,还在那指手画脚别人。 +6
                • 是的,如果是自己根据相对全面的信息得出的(个人)结论,不管是什么,都是有意义的,因为你努力过了。如果完全依赖外界(不管是政府还是网友、甚至是医生)的信息,那病死、吃(错药)死,没人会负责(这里医闹没市场)。 +5
              • 非蠢即坏。。。后者的可能性更大 +3
    • Swaratsingh is not an anti-vaxxer but he regretted taking two Pfizer shots ..."I ended up in hospital with a minor eye problem, because of a blood clot. I can't sleep at night, waking up with headaches." +2
    • People were divided by colors since a decade ago, now is by Covid vaccine. It's so sad to see the world like this, to see people being severely manipulated. +2
      • Vaxxed or unVaxxed, between the 2 groups , the more we fight the more we all lose, government wins. Remember one of the oldest strategy for the conquerer is " Divide and Conquer" +4
        • That is true....they don't want to see people united and world in peace +4
    • 我前幾天出遊,發現小鎮那邊很多的餐館,現在都只提供外賣了。籃球明星歐文放棄差不多兩個億的合同,也不願意打兩針。 +1