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  • 枫下家园 / 钱财税务 / 请教个问题:买个加拿大的房子,如果卖家现在美国(加拿大非税务居民),买家有责任withhold房款吗?加拿大和美国之间有没有tax treaty让这个房子成为treaty protected property?
    • 地税是地方的,没有 treaty 这一说儿。如果问 capital gain,好像也没啥说法。有 treaty 是不是都指 Ordinary Income 来说的?
      • NO WORRY. 律师知道如何处理。
        • 呵呵,律师,真敢说。
    • seller lawyer will withhold money for government as far as i know.
    • 卖家需要向税务局申请certificate of compliance. 在拿到certificate之前,卖家律师必须withhold房款总价的25%到50% (purchaser can insist on 50% withholding, but most lawyers don't enforce that and accept the 25%)