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  • 枫下茶话 / 法律 / 有罪或者无罪,但是谁能回答这个问题:"It sends the unacceptable message that armed civilians can show up in any town, incite violence, and then use the danger they have created to justify shooting people in the street."
    • com'on, I already point out your logic fraud: there is no connection between "armed civilians show up" and "invite violence". I think the opposite is true. Think about 1992 LA riot in Korean town. Those armed Korean keep their town in peaceful order. +7
      • That is right! +2
      • .......doesn't deserve your time, even a second
    • 你这逻辑跟时空伴随者有的拼 +2
    • 这其实是给BLM一个message,美国是你的,也是我的,但最终是我的。 +1
      • 法院是讲事实的,没必要过度政治解读,也和BLM无关,新闻经常扭曲事实,看客也经常按自己倾向解读
    • 从有限的媒体报道看,我也倾向于那个年轻人无罪,因为当时已经是无政府状态,警察没有做他们应该做的事儿,平民有权保卫自己,唯一可以商榷的是这个年轻人是否有权代替警察巡逻,我觉得也可以,因为已经是无政府状态 +1
    • 判决很正常,看过现场视频的人应该会得出正当防卫的结论。那些所谓的和平示威者追着带着AR-15的人打,是怀着什么样的心情?真的不怕死还是想着你不敢拿我怎么样? +2