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  • 枫下家园 / 钱财税务 / PL:我算过:


    第一年相当于5 year average CPP YMPE 80%

    CPP YMPE 每年涨,第二年你就付了78。5%以此类推,

    20年共付 CPP YMPE 1400%

    如果100岁死亡 = CPP YMPE 2900%就是按实际通胀一倍免税,收益尚可。



    • average CPP YMPE average increase is 2.66% now
    • 没看懂,保额是多少?跟CPP YMPE什么关系?
      • 200W

        CPP YMPE 是最能预测实际购买力.
        面值200万,按保险公司current rate-1%最后100岁可能有900万。
      • I do not understand her either
        50,000 payment each year for insurance. Holy moly
        • you are expert in finance you should understand

          For exmaple:

          2020 YMPE 58700 your 50000 is 85%

          2021 YMPE 61600 your 50000 is 81%

          you total pay is 20 times so you add (85%+81% +...) is 1400%

          when you 100 years old at that year 2080 YMPE is 250000

          your insurnace give you 9,750,000 that is 3900% of YMPE for that year.

          Your input is 1400% YMPE your output is 3900% YMPE tax free.

          during 60 years your money buy power double. tax free,

        • old farmmer I also claculated CPP.

          during my years I will contribute of total 470% of YMPE using the same method above.

          (this is empolyee and employer total)

          I am expecting get 15% of YMPE each year when I retire 65.

          So I need live to 92 years old to break even (92-65)*15% =475%

          and dont forget the tax...

          So I think life insurance is not too bad.

          fpr 40 years old your 20 pay will give you approximate double buy power and tax free.

          • 你这是啥头脑呀,投资回报和buy power跟YMPE一点关系都没有,政府这三年不但增加 pensionable earning,还在增加rate。

            你无非就是借助这个数字,来表达 inflation,是吧,每年2-3%,大家都知道的额事,还大老远用YMPE?5万/年,20年,面值就100w,就为了60年后得295w,60年呀!一个人出生,然后都要退休了,60年不是各短时间,才295万??????

            年复利 1%的投资回报,100岁时就是350万,当然我没计算税呢,我的1%够低得了吧,努把力,弄个2%,其中得1%交税行吗?

            Holy moly。1%投资回报率,GIC就行,都谈不上投资

            • 我还以为他是高手呢,弄一堆英文缩写出来唬人,其实牛人谁还会在乎什么保险能挣多少钱,几百万肉联平均数
              • 正因为几百万平均数,买个200万的保险还能领OAS否则连OAS都拿不到。
            • 9.75 not 2.95
              I only calculate YMPE not caculate contribution rate BTW it is 20 pay so you cannot calculate 1M invested 60 years, max you only can claulate 1M 48 years.
              • I just say face value. Actually I calculated FV for each of $50,000 during the 20 years and Future Future value of 40 years of Future value. You do not have sense of present Value and Future Value by the way
                • I you only calculate 2M then no one will invest.

                  BTW, I dont need present or future value, all I know is I roughly pay 14 years of average canaidan income and get roughly 29 years of average canadian yearly income when I withdraw and it is tax free.
            • 1.01^60=1.8167
        • 多聊无益 vacationgirl(重新振作) 可以把estimate-1%的数字贴出来我算给你看。