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  • 工作学习 / 事业工作 / Got a contract with one of big-5 banks, $117*8hrs/day, I have been over-employed already, wonder if it's possible to subcontract it to the third-party/contractor? Any thoughts? Thanks!
    • 如果客户没有说可不可以让你用 subcontractor,而且 suvcontractor 的 qualifications and performance 只好不差,完全可以。
      • Cool, checked the contract, it says "Should the Sub Contractor (my Inc.) designate any other personnel to perform the Services, it shall do so only with the prior consent of ***(my agent). Seems there is flexibility.
        • 银行会为你设置帐号和系统权限,这个帐号和权限是不能给别人用的。你不能让其他人用你的账户进入系统工作。如果你转包给其他人,需要获得代理和银行的许可,人家估计不愿意
          • Thanks, I understand it's not that easy to subcontract out as basically I need consent from both the bank and agent, probably I have to let go of it
    • 每小时$117? yyds
      • India agent, they are very good at the rate negotiation. I used to work a contract with another bank at $125/hr, but they had furlough in summer for all contractors...
        • 有 furlough 的基本上大概率是加拿大的银行,他们就是那么的cheap! 😄
    • wow, Over employed....
    • 看你和他们签的合同内容。
    • 你可以sub contract给我, 本人刀枪剑戟 18般武艺,样样精通!😄