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  • 枫下拾英 / 心灵感悟 / 有一些人只冥想,只说‘一起都是好的,一切都是爱和光‘。不肯看到现实的黑暗面,不肯独立思考,不肯采取行动反对C19强制疫苗,直接接受疫苗注射。这个视频中的一段讲述了为什么这些人很容易被’低频实体‘附体。 +1

    near the end of this video, Marina Jacobi explained why 'love and light only' , without seeing the truth, without taking action to fight against the vaccine and other deep state movement is not a good thing. if I interpreted it correctly, it actually says "if people only saying 'love and light', without using their judgment, independent thinking, only consent to the vaccine policy, then they're actually easily being occupied by dark entities'. Marina Jacobi- New Message To All Groups - S5 E19

    Marina Jacobi- New Message To All Groups - S5 E19
    Marina Jacobi- New Message To All Groups - S5 E19Donation From Your Heart is greatly appreciated. https://paypal.me/marinajacobi For everyone that wishes to ...