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  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 911。。。世贸大楼坍塌的视频。。这个一层一层地爆炸,像是飞机撞的么?? +6
      Deleted from youtube. It had 800,000 views.
    • The 47-story WTC 7 was the third skyscraper to be completely destroyed on September 11, 2001, collapsing rapidly and symmetrically into its footprint at 5:20 PM ... University Study Finds Fire Did Not Cause Building 7’s Collapse on 9/11 +4
      The principal conclusion of our study is that fire did not cause the collapse of WTC 7 on 9/11. The secondary conclusion of our study is that the collapse of WTC 7 was a global failure involving the near-simultaneous failure of every column in the building.
      • Thanks for sharing! Here is more information. +2


    • 没有你不怀疑的事了。 +3
      • Ignorance is bliss +3
    • 本拉登设计这次行动真的天才,算计的都准,除了坠机那个失败,伊斯兰人杀身成仁的做法倒是和日本人像
    • On September 10 former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld revealed that the Pentagon had lost a whopping $2.3 trillion (£1.72trillion) from its budget...Less than 48 hours later...the chilling scenes of 9/11 took over the news agenda. +4
      A TRILLION-DOLLAR pot of cash that went missing from the Pentagon the day before a hijacked plane crashed into it is “still missing” fifteen years on – sparking fresh claims of a 9/11 cover-up.
      • "What happened the next day?... Accounting offices in the Pentagon were blown up and accounting offices based in New York building in the World Trade Centre were demolished.” +4
    • 当然是飞机撞的。世贸大楼是钢结构,钢结构在飞机燃油长时间烧的状态下,被撞的那层钢铁框架变软坍塌,压向下一层,巨大冲击力引起连锁反应,一层一层向下坍塌。 +4
      • 以自由落体一般的速度一层层地对称地坍塌,个人难以相信不是定点引爆 +6
        • 问一下学过材料力学和结构力学的工程师,就知道答案了。 +1
          • 这段视频里有拉近的镜头。。世贸中心7号楼,很多窗子里发出闪光,然后留下个黑洞。。。这个现象怎么解释呢? +4
          • 材料力学和结构力学的工程师解释了为什么世贸大厦是被定点引爆的 Loose Change -911 Documentary (#1390707@9) +3
    • 艾伯斯坦家里发现的一张画。。小布什把玩纸飞机,地上是两堆木头叠塔玩具。。 +3
      Collective Evolution: A painting called “War Games” Ryan-Kleid ended up in the home of Jeffrey Epstein, apparently without his knowledge. [READ MORE]
      • 只知道臭名昭著克林顿的那一张,还真不知道布什的这张。 +2
    • Loose Change -911 Documentary (#1390707@9) 这个很全面。2个小时的视频,揭示了政府和媒体在911事件中造假的地方,科学家揭示了楼真正倒塌的原因。 +3
    • 视频显示,911美国五角大楼发生爆炸,不是当局说的飞机撞击所致,而是被一枚导弹击中。。。 +4
    • 911现场视频:911时没有飞机撞到世贸双塔,所谓的飞机幢大楼是计算机生成图像CGI,是大楼内部发生的爆炸把楼炸塌.视频很清楚,没有飞机撞楼,是楼内部爆炸,有很大的黑烟。 +1