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  • 枫下家园 / 钱财税务 / 用excel计算Amortization Schedule

    假如借贷10万,年利息为6%,25年还清。半年利息为3%,semi-compound, 所以有效年利息为 (1+3%)^2-1=6.09%,月利息为 (1+6.09%)^(1/12)-1 =0.4938%

    用Excel PMT公式很容易算出Amortization Schedule。

    Monthly payment =PMT(monthly rate, number of payment, total mortgage amount)
    Each Monthly interest payment = IPMT (monthly rate, period number, number of payment, total mortgage amount)
    Each Monthly Principle payment= monthly payment - Each Monthly interest payment
    Each monthly Loan balance = loan balance in previous month -principle balance


    例子中,number of payment =25 year*12=300. monthly interest rate = 0.493862%, 最初贷款额度=10万。这3个数字在excel里要锁住。

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