



  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 小迷糊的头三年系列之 日常生活篇
    • 好孝顺!顶!!其实你一点儿也不迷糊啊.
    • Very nice article. like it. thanks for sharing. only one small thing I don't quite agree - "保险是买个安心罢了。". I think life insurance is much more important than that.
      I think insurance is more like "income protection" - in case one income earner of the family, god forbid, lost his/her life, the life rest of the family would not be affected by the income lost. As for how much is enough, personally I think it depends on how much expected income your are trying to "protect".

      Also, personally, I don't like whole life. But this is arguable.

      Again, very nice article. Thanks for sharing!!!!
    • 真不错,谢谢分享。向你夫妻俩学习:)
    • 一个家庭2个人全职交通费才300? 看来我们家是要改革了,现在一个开车,一个carpool加起来每月交通费gas 240+carpool 200+car insurance 200=640....
      • 停车费和汽车折旧还没算。
        • I didn't count my car loan...