



  • 又见朝阳



    花儿: 我已经告诉你我哪里人了啊(心不在焉?)


    花儿: 呵呵,你好像是个急脾气哦!


    花儿: 头一次这样,通常绅士的男人想要女人照片都是先发张自己的玉照吧!(你还要名字和电话,查户口啊!)


    花儿: 无语 (看来48岁未婚男多多少少脑子都有些毛病哦!)


    花儿: If you want to see my photo please send me one first, that's the way to show your sincerity as well.

    阳光男: You are so dull and rude. I hate rude pigs. Respect is mutual. I said only have time for a tender and romantic girl

    花儿: 谢谢你的精彩回复,祝你好运吧!

    阳光男: Regret you are so.
    • 哈哈,心理错乱的银
      • 萝卜糠不糠还不知道呢,反正脑子有点儿糠!呵呵
        • 看来他在渥太华大小也是一个人物啊,真不应该这样说粗话("rude pigs"), 更何况你并未对他粗鲁。人应该首先卑微。。。
          • 让我想起了念奴娇:遥想公瑾当年, 小乔初嫁了,雄姿英发。。。踌躇满志啊,就差找个小乔了,只可惜人家公瑾当年是二八而他已是四八了! :D
    • LOL. Only a few are decent. I am listening to this song - something a worried father is trying to tell his daughter. Pass it on to you. Robbie Williams - Go Gentle (2014)

      You're gonna meet some strangers.
      Welcome to the zoo.
      Bitter disappointments.
      Except for one or two.
      Some of them are angry.
      Some of them are mean.
      Most of them are twisted.
      Few of them are clean.

      Now when you go dancing with young men down at the disco.
      Just keep it simple.
      You don't have to kiss though.
      Don't waste time whith the idiots
      Think that they're heroes.
      They will betray you.
      Stick with us weirdos.

      • Thank you! :)