



  • Vancouver to Las Vegas or Palm Springs - $185 CAD roundtrip including taxes [nonstop flights]

    Las Vegas

    WestJet has the price of their flights from Vancouver to Las Vegas and Palm Springs down to $185 CAD roundtrip including taxes.

    The flights are nonstop both ways.

    Availability for travel

    November, December 2021

    January, February, March 2022

    How to find and book these flights

    1. Start with the following Google Flights search:

    Google Flights: Vancouver to Las Vegas

    Google Flights: Vancouver to Palm Springs

    - click on the departure date box to open up the calendar view and browse for cheap date combinations. Adjust the trip length at the bottom.

    - look for the dates that are $212 roundtrip

    2. Go to Priceline

    - Search for the same destination and dates.

    - On Priceline, the price will show up for as low as $143 USD roundtrip including taxes. Priceline is *always* in $USD.

    This will work out to $185 CAD roundtrip when booked using a Canadian credit card, and including the typical 2.5% credit card foreign exchange fee.

    Priceline offers completely free cancellation up to 24 hours after booking, giving you a bit of time to decide.

    screenshot from Priceline