



  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 转发一个FB的帖子,一个没打疫苗的护士进加拿大海关时遇上了一个没打疫苗的海关官员。 +11

    Crossed to US in Niagara to go day shopping

    Going over only question asked was where how long and if we had anything to declare

    Way back got asked all the regular questioned

    You Vaxxd "no mam" you filled out arrivecan "no thank you" did you do the testing "nope" she asked why and before I answered she said oh I guess you forgot 🤣

    She went on to tell me she is unVaxxd and almost lost her job and had to move in with her parents (she was around 40-45) but she "fought" for it

    I told her I also lost mine as a nurse but im standing strong

    She told me she was proud of me (almost made me cry) and that most staff are really sick of these so called restrictions

    Gave me 2 covid tests and sent me on my way