



  • 枫下拾英 / 历史 / 说到空战,网上有hot debate about F86 vs. MIG15. MIG15升限高,爬升快,机炮大。F86似乎操纵性更好。美国空军宣称韩战时他们有10 to 1 kills-to-losses ratio,而美民间人士估计为6 to 1。转帖一个MIG15的小故事。Curtis Earl from Phoenix, AZ had a MiG-15 UTI. He
    bought it from the People's Air Museum in Beijing, China. He talked with the Chinese about the MiGs. AT one time, conversation turned to the combat experiences in Korea. The Chinese laughed about the stories in American writings about the MiGs falling into flat spins. They said that, while the American pilots flew in a g-suit, the MiG pilots in Korea did not. As a result, they sometimes passed out due to GLOC in a hard break. Unconscious pilot in a jet means a smoking hole in the ground.
    • F86 6挺12.7毫米机关枪,弹道平直射速快,MIG15两门23毫米机关炮,一门37毫米机关炮,23毫米炮射速慢很多,37毫米炮开火即致盲,甚至导致发动机停车,MIG15是用来对付轰炸机的
      • 真的不处下风吗?我下面贴了段苏权将军揭露志愿军空军造假的事。你如果有故事,请分享。MIG15机炮射速慢,又飞得快,难击中对手。F86机炮口径小,威力也小,后来美国人就加大了机炮口径。到了A10, 30mm cannon打坦克。
    • 中共在韩战前都没见过战斗机,训练了几天就把美国王牌飞行员打下来了,不管战损比是多少,美国都应该汗颜啦,也说明当年的苏联战斗机还可以 +2
      • 准备拉黑你了!
        • 楼主厦大的
        • 拉黑不可怕,关注更可怕。 +2
      • Which 美国王牌飞行员?