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  • 枫下茶话 / 社会 / Congratulations to Dr. Kin-Yip Chun (值得一看的case.)
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛From:
    Michelle n Micheal <mhe01@ATTCANADA.NET>
    2:19 PM

    Re: Congratulations to Dr. Kin-Yip Chun

    Bravo !!!!!

    This is truly a REMARKABLE news to ALL OF US - although no one is naive
    enough to believe that winning this battle will lead to a historical turning
    point after that minorities can be treated equally at U of T, or anywhere
    else in this country, the strong message this cases brings will remain and
    will become a tremendous encouragement for all us, that is: You don't get
    what you deserve, you get what you fight for !

    Congratulations, Dr. Chun - You made it !!!!
    Congratulations, FCSPC/CSSA, and everyone involved - Your hard work
    finally paid off !! Keep it up !!

    Together you've proved this : "THERE'RE NO LOSERS, ONLY QUITTERS !!"

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Weidong Pei" <w.pei@UTORONTO.CA>
    Sent: Sunday, September 10, 2000 4:28 PM
    Subject: Congratulations to Dr. Kin-Yip Chun

    Dear FCSPC/CSSA members,

    Please join me to congratulate Dr. Kin-Yip Chun for his success of
    6-year long battle for human justice and dignity against University of
    Toronto's systemic racism and unfair hiring practices at the university.
    We, the Federation of Chinese Students and Professionals in Canada
    (FCSPC) welcome University of Toronto's wise decision to grant Dr.
    Chun's a faculty position and a research fund of $260,000 for his
    continuous pursuit of his academic career at the university.

    On behalf of FCSPC, I would also like to take this opportunity to thank
    everyone who has been supportive to Dr. Chun's battle, especially
    University of Toronto Chinese Students and Scholar Association (UTCSSA).

    If you want to learn more about Dr. Chun's case, please go to Committee
    in Support of Justice for Dr. Chun's website at

    Weidong Pei
    President, FCSPC
    1110-35 Charles St W
    Toronto ON M4Y 1R6

    About Dr. Chun's case

    Dr. Kin-Yip Chun served for ten years in the Department of Physics at
    the University of Toronto. While his initial appointment
    in 1985 was that of Research Associate, from the outset he carried out
    all the research, teaching and administrative duties of a
    professor, was the acknowledged leader of the research program in
    nuclear test ban verification, and the sole academic staff
    member responsible for leading teaching and research programs in
    earthquake seismology. His duties and accomplishments
    were later recognized by an appointment as Assistant Professor, and Full
    Member of the Graduate Faculty.

    Dr. Chun has been one of Canada's most productive geophysicists, with 26
    research publications in internationally prestigious
    journals and over 1.4 million dollars in research grants; more than most
    geophysicists are awarded in a lifetime. Despite his
    record of achievements, Dr. Chun was passed over four times in
    tenure-stream competitions. In 1992 the Physics Department
    refused routine approval for Dr. Chun's grant applications, effectively
    halting his career. In 1994, Dr. Chun's labs were shut
    down and he was evicted by campus police with only three hours notice!
    For such a serious act, the University never offered,
    and is apparently unable to provide, an explanation.

    In 1994, the University's own appointed investigator for the case, Dr.
    Cecil Yip, stated that Dr. Chun "...acted and has been
    treated like a professoriate in spite of the fact he has derived his
    salary support entirely from his own external research
    contracts. And he has served the Department and the University well in
    this capacity." Further, "...it is certainly justified for Dr.
    Chun to feel...he is being penalized for good performance," and

    "In my judgment Dr. Chun has been exploited by the

    Widespread Support for
    Dr. Chun

    The Ontario Human Rights Commission has deemed Dr. Chun's case
    "significant" and is planning "a full-scale investigation",
    rejecting the University's request that they drop the case.

    The Canadian Association of University Teacher's (CAUT) fact-finding
    team concluded that the University "benefited from
    [Dr. Chun's] services...as a faculty member without according [him] the
    security and just cause protection of a tenure-track
    position." Regarding the allegations of racial or ethnic discrimination,
    the Academic Freedom and Tenure Committee was "of
    the view that the Yip report does not close the book on the issue."

    The University of Toronto Faculty Association:

    First, which is evident from the report produced by
    Professor (Cecil) Yip
    (of the one-member panel unilaterally appointed by
    the University of
    Toronto administration) is that a series of failures
    of process lead to
    unfortunate treatment of Dr. Chun in the 1987
    competition. This was compounded in the [1991]
    competition by what
    was clearly short notice of a seminar presentation...
    the University
    clearly erred in its treatment of him.

    The unfair treatment [of Dr. Chun] has taken place
    over the past ten
    years; it has been egregious on several occasions,
    and it continues until
    the present day... we are concerned that the
    University of Toronto ensure
    just and honorable treatment of all of its
    employees... [In the Dr. Chun
    case] the University has severely failed.

    Dr. Chun has campaigned on his own behalf and gained support from many
    organizations, including the Federation of Chinese Students and
    Professionals in Canada, American Association
    for the Advancement of Science, the New York Academy of Sciences, the
    Committee of Concerned Scientists
    Incorporated, the American Physical Society, the Canadian Association of
    Physicists, and the Overseas Chinese Physics

    The Committee in Support of Justice for Dr. Chun , a support group
    consisting of faculty, staff, students and community
    members at U of T, has been actively campaigning to hold the University
    accountable for it's treatment of Dr. Chun and it's
    subsequent handling of the case. The Committee hopes that Dr. Chun's
    case will be the beginning of an open dialogue about
    issues of systemic racism and unfair hiring practices at the university.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net