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  • 枫下沙龙 / 体育爱好者 / 请问在Toronto的朋友,有人到过gym club吗?眼看着从国外回来的同学友人,一个个大腹便便,体形惨不忍睹,所以下定决心落地后要好好练一把。不知道一般的gym clud 设备齐不齐,有无蒸气浴室,冰水池,按摩池,室内泳池等.
    • Bally's fitness club is at least north america wide. In fact you can find gym with swimming pool in your residential area, and most of them are free!
      yes Chinese men don't really exercise, hehe.
      • most of chinese men, hehe. by the way, such gyms are public, you can get information at any public library.
      • My popose to join a gymclub is simple, to build a healthy and sexy body.I go to Canada for fun and happy life, not for suffering, I will go to the gym club and go far away for beautiful scenery even I am poor.
        One of my friend join a gym club for cnd 30 monthly, including free parking area, but he never go there, so he doesn't know the equitments.
        • 赫赫,团团是形容你的体形吗?我们一起锻炼吧,谁让我叫egg哪。
        • he he, my friend also call me egg!! 希望我身上能长出一团一团界限分明的肌肉啊。
          • 一起去马路上慢跑吧,省钱又得到锻炼。双赢!
            • 能坚持在家作副卧撑就一定会有效果的。
              • 楼板受得了么?
    • Are you living in Toronto? If yes pls come in:
      The new issue of TORONTO FUN was just delivered to my home this morning. It's free from the city and probably available in any public library.

      It provides all details about recreational service and parks offered by
      the city, including swimming pools, gyms, and etc. for everybody from preschool to senior people. Most are FREE.
      • how can I get that?
        • You can send your inquiry to:
          delivery of parks and recreation programs in the city of toronto is organized into four districts. to receive
          information about programs offered in your area, please call your local district parks and recreation office:

          west district: 3948510
          north: 3957922
          fax: 397-7146
          e-mail parks@city.toronto.on.ca
          url: www.city.toronto.on.ca/parks

          If you want information in languages other than English, call 338-0338(access toronto).

          This guide is sent to us every 6 months. I am in south district, surrounded by
          from north to west to south to east
          lawrence ave. E., bathurst, st.clair ave. w, south kingsway, lake ontario, woodbine ave,
          danforth ave., broadview ave.

          have fun!
    • 多市应该有YMCA,我在卡城时和现在的地方都有YMCA的俱乐部。健身房,游泳池,蒸汽浴是有的。但冰水池,按摩池没发现。也可以打蓝,排,羽毛球。当然还有很多的program。每 年会员费成人大约400-600刀,12岁以下小孩200刀以下。低收入家庭可能有discount。
      • I know public library in Calgary is not free, 8 dollars for 6 or 12 months. But in Toronto it's free. Maybe the same thing can apply to city-supported public gym too.
      • forget one word: people is richer in Calgary since they pay less taxes and even enjoy more benefits, hehe.
        • Well, maybe you are right. But I live in Ontario now.
          • xixi, 你有坚持去你花钱了得gym吗?不容易坚持哟。
            • 我们全家都办了年卡,按照一位朋友的建议,每周至少去三次才可以够本,但我们是想去就去,不想去就不去,花钱总不是买约束,是图方便而已。。
              • that's another topic, hehe. what was discussed above is something about keeping fit/fitness/weightlosing.
    • Any serious work out costs 400$ and up a year
      Pay your membership first. Other wise it is so easy to give up.
      Register in some programme. Let the Pro train you into TuanTuan
    • 租或买condo住,你说的全有,而且免费
    • 你如果有时间,这里的运动场所有的是。冬天和可以游泳呢,在广东都不多吧。