其实男人和女人都一样。没有人可以抵御不计得失,不顾死活,不在乎后果的追逐。正如电影"教父"中说的那样"it is a price one can't refuse". in other words,what choice do you really have when someone just made you "priceless" in a world in which we all believe "everything has a price"?
YES no one can refuse a priceless pursuit.but most people are not willing to do that, nor the subject of his/her pursuit is worthwhile. well, what about whatever left there? sometimes they're gone with the wind, more often they come back in dreams, memories, fantasies..... are they all beautiful? it depends. i guess.
Indeed,the one who pursues you with "a price you simply can't refuse" will be the same person who dumps you at no loss -- simply because there is no price hence there is no loss either. the offer of "a priceless price" originates from the uttermost contempt of any consideration of cost and conservation of resource.
from Nietzsche: "A man’s maturity: that is to have rediscovered the seriousness he possessed as a child at play".尼采用了三个形象来展示理想人生:骆驼=文化养成(通常意义上的文明及教育),狮子=反叛及个人意志/欲望,孩子=自由(或者说文明与个体欲望的融合)。在某种意义讲这是把黑格尔"小逻辑"中的正,反,合移植到了对人生的反思。尼采以诗意化的方式昭示了个体如何作为哲学家("我思故我在")来享受审美人生的可能性。